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TESTING DEPARTMENT: Mr.hobby acryllic Gandam weathering marker

When I started this blog, one idea that I had was to show everyone a testing department where I test different tehniques, accessories, paints and other products of plastic modeling. One of the things that caught my eye on this years Moson model show where this GANDAM acryllic weathering markers by Mr. Hobby. This marker is really thin, so you can use it for chipping, panel lines or even even paint the smallest details like wires, cockpit gauges an other small details. The marker dries really quickly and it stays there just like the normal paint applied with a brush. There is a whole pallet of colors of this marker from black,yellow, red, etc.. It looks like a good product and it's really worth it to try this markers. I bought only rust collor marker for now and I am definetely buying more of this markers, the were just 4€ on the ebay. Every once in a while Im going to post something in the TESTING DEPARTMENT, so stay tuned for more, cheers!


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